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Call for applications for 59 Scholarships at Univeristy of Tuscia. Deadline May 15 2022

Subject of the call and beneficiaries

The University of Tuscia announces a public selection for international student’s admission to 2nd Cycle
International Degree Courses (2 Years Master’s Degrees) for the Academic Year 2022/2023. The University
of Tuscia will draft a unique ranking and assign 59 scholarships to the most deserving students enrolling for
the first time in an Italian University. The scholarships available for each MSc Degree Course and the
admission interviews calendar are listed in Annex A.
Enrolling in years following the first year, changing from one degree programme to another or transferring
from one university to another, is not considered ‘first registering’ in one of the degree programmes at the
University of Tuscia in the a.y. 2022-23.
International students are all students whose qualifications for admission to the chosen Second cycle degree
programme were obtained at an institution not belonging to the Italian education system, regardless of their
Full list of programmes at University of Tuscia:

Declaration of value
Upon their arrival to Italy, applicants will have to hand in originals of Degree certificates and Transcript of
Records in Italian or in English, authenticated by the Italian Diplomatic Mission in charge of their territory or
endorsed with Apostille, to the Student Secretary, Via S. Maria in Gradi n. 4, Viterbo, within the first exam
session of a.y. 2022/2023. When required by the General Student Secreteriat, with the same deadline,
students may have to present the Declaration of Value, issued by the Italian diplomatic mission in charge of
their territory or, as an alternative, the certification issued by ENIC-NARIC centres ( in
Italian or in English, such as the Statement of Comparability of foreign qualifications issued by CIMEA within 02/28/2023. Failure to submit the above-mentioned documents by the deadline will result in career
operations and the possibility of taking exams being stopped. Career operations will be available again after
submitting the above-mentioned documents.

Language requirements
Language requirements for the admission in Italian Master’s degree courses taught in Italian are set by the
Ministry of University and Research in the document available at the following link: https://www.studiarein-
Students who don’t hold an Italian language certificate can take the test organized by the University of
Tuscia in one of the date published at the link Enrolment and scholarships – UnitusOrienta (point 3).
Students enrolling in Master’s degree courses taught in English can present a minimum B2 level certificate
of English or an evidence that their bachelor’s degree was fully taught in English.
Admission requirements

The Call is open exclusively to applicants who:

1. hold a Bachelor’s degree or post-secondary qualification issued by a foreign University or a recognized
Higher Institution not later than the year 2018. Students who will get their qualification within the a.y.
2021/2022 can provisionally participate in the competition. Failure to obtain their qualifications by July 20th
2022 will result in the applicants losing their right to enroll;
2. are not current students at the University of Tuscia for First, Single or Second Cycle degree programmes or
at any other Italian University;
3. have obtained in the Bachelor’s degree a Grade Point Average corresponding to 26/30 of the Italian grading
system, calculated with the formula given by the Italian Ministry of Education (Annex B);
before the end of the call Applicants are requested to check the entry requirements and book the admission
interview for their chosen Second Cycle Degree Programmes as indicated in the Annex A. Applicants who
could not book the admission interview before the deadline of the call, can sit the admission interview within
May 23th in order to be admitted to step 2 of the selection process. A specific request has to be sent to the
Director of the degree course as indicated in ANNEX A.

Beneficiaries of the scholarship will benefit of:
– full tuition fee reduction (€ 1.000 value); in any case the student must pay € 156,00 in revenue stamp and
regional taxes;
– A scholarship of € 6.000,00 per academic year, gross of all charges for the beneficiary’s account; the
scholarship will be only for the first-year course, except those reserved to the Course on Forestry and
Environmental Sciences.
The benefits cannot be awarded to students registering for multiple or joint programmes for which tuition
fees must be paid to the sending institution.

For a.y. 2022/23 UNITUS scholarships are reserved as following:
Language of the  Master’s Degree courses:

Reserved to Course Security and Human Rights English 2
Reserved to Course Circular Economy English 4
Reserved to Course Forestry and Environmental Sciences – (the scholarship will be for the course duration – 2 years) English 15
Reserved to Course Mechanical Engineering English 6
Not reserved to specific Degree courses English or Italian 22
Reserved to Afghan students with priority to female students English or Italian 25
Language ofthe course n.scholarship s
Reserved to Romanian students enrolling in Economic or Engineering Degree Courses English or Italian 4
Reserved to students coming from one of the Countries in the list given by the Ministry of University and Research Decreto Ministeriale
n. 156 del 12-02-2021.pdf ( English or Italian 4

Total scholarships 59

Access to the Regional Scholarship for the right to Education (LAZIODISCO)
Students are recommended to apply also for the scholarships provided by Lazio Regional Board for the Right to Education (LazioDisco). The call to apply for LazioDisco scholarships are usually published in May on the LazioDisco website ( ) and the deadline for the application is usually set in the last week of July (please check the LazioDisco website).
Students will be supported by the staff of the Mobility and International Cooperation Office of University of Tuscia in the application for LazioDisco scholarships.
Student winners of the LazioDisco Scholarship will receive for A.Y. 2022-23:
● Full tuition fee reduction
● accommodation at the student dormitory;
● a study grant worth of approximately € 3.800 per academic year, divided in two payments (January
2023 and September 2023 after verification of the achieved academic requirements).
The possibility of being awarded LazioDisco benefits is dependent on the rules set in the specific call for
applications for A.Y. 2022/23 including the merit requirements to be achieved to maintain the benefits during
each academic year and not to incur in their revocation.
The benefits object of this call cannot be combined with:
• Erasmus+ scholarships for incoming mobilities
• study grants issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI)
• CRUI (Conferenza dei Rettori Italiani) grants for beneficiaries of international protection
• study grants issued by foreign governmental bodies or institutions aimed at assisting the enrolment of
international students at Italian Universities.
Selection criteria and application documents and Evaluation Committee
Applicants are selected on the basis of the merit requirements mentioned above (Admission Requirements)
and according to the criteria requested in the Annex A of the different Master’s degree programmes.
The evaluation will be carried out by a Selection Committee composed by the Professors in charge of the
Master Programmes concerned and any other relevant teaching or staff member designated by the Rector
of the University of Tuscia.
Application documents
Applicants are required to submit the following documentation translated in English or Italian (at this stage,
it is not necessary to provide an official – sworn/certified – translation into Italian, nor the relevant legalization
or “declaration of value” of the qualification). Legalized translations must be presented at the time of
Mandatory documents:
1. the application form available at the following
Applicants must register on the UNITUS student portal to complete the application. Here is the link to the
tutorial for student registration;
2. a copy of a currently valid Passport or Identity Card;
3. previous study certificates (Bachelor’s Degree); students that will graduate in the summer session 2022
can upload the Transcript of records of the previous semesters;
4. Diploma supplement or an official transcript of records with a full list of passed exams and relative marks,
including the grading scale (min and max grade in the correspondent education system);
5. a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV);
6. a motivation letter (maximum one A4 page).
Not Mandatory documents
1.- For students selecting master’s degree programmes taught in Italian: B2 level Italian language certificate
(Only CILS official certificates are accepted). The admission of students who don’t have an official Italian
language certificate is to be considered ‘under condition’ and they must sit the Italian assessment test in one
of the following date:
5th July 2022
9th September 2022
For student selecting master’s degree programmes taught in English: B2 level English language certificate (
Ielts, CAE, Toefl, Pitman, ESD, Pearson) or evidence that they attended a bachelor’s degree fully taught in
English. The admission of students who don’t have an official English language certificate is to be considered
‘under condition’ and they must present a valid certificate by July 2022.
2.- Admission letter received by the Director of the selected degree course (see admission interviews
calendar in Annex A); students who could not book the admission interview before the end of the call, can
sit the interview within May 23th in order to be admitted to stage 2 of the selection process. A specific
request has to be sent to the Director of the degree course as indicated in ANNEX A.
Deadlines and modalities
Application must be submitted by filling the online form where the students have to upload the required
documents, applications can be submitted from April 14th, 2022 at 01:00 pm (Italian Official Time) to May
15th, 2022 at 23:59. (Italian Official Time), exclusively through the form available at the
In case of technical problems please contact to the following address:
Applications that are not properly filled in, or not completed with all required documentation will not be
Selection process
Applicants are selected based on merits requirements and the evaluation process is divided into two steps:
• Step 1: preliminary evaluation of the documentation provided by the applicants and communication of the
admission to Stage 2 (by May 25th);
• Step 2: interviews for evaluation of CV and Personal Skills (by June 13th).
Stage 1 – Evaluation of the Academic documentation
The Selection Committee will verify and evaluate the documentation according to the following
● Academic background and GPA – Cumulative Grade Point Average (min score 26- max score 30) will
weight 60%
Only Applicants with a minimum score of 26 and who have correctly uploaded all the required documents
are admitted to the interview, and will be notified by e-mail by May 25th 2022.
Stage 2: Interview and other evaluation criteria
● Language certificates and/or other titles (min score 2 – max score 10) will weight 20%
● Evaluation of CV: professional experience, personal skills (min score 2 – max score 10) will weight
Applicants are requested to come to the interview with the passport/identity card used during the on-line
Applicants with disabilities who need assistance during the interview must specify on the application form
the type of disability they have and the type of support they need. In this case, an official disability certificate
is required.
Establishment and approval of the final ranking list
Applicants’ rankings are drawn up by the Selection Committee by adding up the results of the two stages.
The rankings are organized in descending order of points. Only students with a minimum weighted Score of
16.4 will be included in the ranking.
In the event of a tie, preference will be given to the youngest candidate.
The list of eligible applicants, will be notified by email and published on not later than June 30th 2022.
The winning applicants must reply to the University communication accepting the scholarship and preregister
on Universitaly (extra EU students) web portal within 10 days from notification. Failure to provide
a reply within the deadline will result in loss of benefits.
By accepting the benefits, the student fully and unreservedly accepts services and financial benefits under
the conditions set out in the present Call. By accepting the scholarship, the student also confirms under
his/her own responsibility that he/she does not fall under any of the conditions of incompatibility established
in Art. 2 of the present call. He/She must also inform the University of any changes in the declared data that
may occur during the year.
Pre-registration on Universitaly
Upon the acceptance of the Scholarship, EXTRA EU International students must complete the preregistration
on the Universitaly web portal The pre-registration application is
provisionally accepted by the Italian diplomatic missions also if the student is attending the last year of a
Bachelor’s degree course and will graduate within July 2022. For more information on the pre-registration
procedure at the Italian diplomatic missions, please see
The enrolment process is finalized through the registration on the Unitus Student WEB Portal and under
payment of the € 156.00 registration fee through the online Portal, which must be done within the enrolment
deadline (5th of November 2022).
Enrolments carried out before obtaining the admission qualification is to be considered ‘under condition’.
Failure to obtain the admission qualification within the aforesaid deadline will result in the applicant’s
enrolment withdrawal and losing any benefits acquired.
Selected applicants are not automatically enrolled in their chosen Second Cycle Degree Programme.
Selected applicants are required to comply with applicable provisions and deadlines, including the enrolment
regulations established by the Memorandum issued by the Italian Ministry of University and Research
concerning foreign students’ access to university degree programmes.
Winners will receive the benefits only upon completion of the enrollment procedures and their arrival in
Viterbo. Applicants will receive detailed information from the Mobility and International Cooperation
Office of the University of Tuscia on the procedure to follow to complete their enrolment.
Ranking scroll and assignment of available seats
In case of vacant seats, the University of Tuscia reserves the right to assign the benefits to applicants who
meet the admission requirements as indicated above (Admission Requirements) and have already been
admitted in a master degree program at the University of Tuscia by the Responsible Professor of the degree
Renewal requirements
In order to renew the scholarship for the second academic year students enrolled in the Course Forestry and
Environmental Sciences (the scholarship will be for the course duration – 2 years) are required to obtain 24
university credits (CFU) by the end of July 2023.
Candidates selected as winners can withdraw by sending an e-mail to by July 20th
2022. In case of withdrawals, the scholarship will be allocated to the next eligible candidate in the ranking.
Information notice concerning data processing
In compliance with European data protection policy, the personal data collected are processed as described
in the following page available (in Italian) at
The applicant gives consent to publish his/her passport/identity card number of his/her in the final list of
candidates admitted to the project on the website: .
The Administration reserves the right to verify the truth of the information provided. Without prejudice to
the penal sanctions of article 76 of Italian Presidential Decree no. 445/2000, in the event of fraudulent
information being discovered as a result of such verification the applicant will forfeit the right to the study
Conditional issuing of the call for applications
This call might be suspended or withdrawn in accordance with the developments of the legal and
epidemiological framework of the health emergency known as “Coronavirus” or “SARS-CoV-19”.
Publication of the Call
The present call and the application form will be published on the website UNITUS – GET TO KNOW UNITUS