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Warning for students

Change in scheduled visit to the general rehearsal of the Aida

Interested parties are warned that, due to organizational and logistic reasons of the artists of the State Opera and for security reasons, independent from the will and outside the sphere of control of the Embassy of Italy, the visit to the general rehearsal of the Aida of the Ankara University students scheduled within the calendar of the Week of the Italian Language in the World published on this site for today November 4, 2019 have been postponed, in part directly to the Aida performance of November 5, 2019, in part to the Turandot performance on November 23 2019. Due to the high number of subscribers, the students of Italian language and of the Conservatory from Hacettepe enrolled in the lists will be able to enter Turandot on November 23rd for free by presenting themselves at 7 pm at the entrance to the Congresium with an identity card. We apologize for the inconvenience.