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Think Med competition

The Rotary Club of Enna is pleased to present the first edition of the Think Med competition for young people between the ages of 18 and 35 living in one of the countries bordering the Mediterranean .
The entire competition will be managed by an online platform in 4 languages, which can be visited at the following address

The conviction of the founders of the initiative is that supporting social innovation projects with ideas of structured and non-occasional change can offer enormous advantages not only to their country of origin but also to the international community. The goal is to ignite a spark of passion and innovation in the mind and heart of these young people who must be the architects and builders of their future.
It is necessary to stimulate ideas, broaden horizons, see different perspectives and a better tomorrow; a tomorrow where the Mediterranean returns to being a place of encounter and comparison and not of tensions, where bridges can be built and walls not raised.
In the attached brochure the rules of the competition.

Brochure ITA / ENG