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Calls for proposals to support civil society in Turkey

EU Delegation to Turkey recently published 2 calls for proposals to support civil society in Turkey:

– European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights: total budget of EUR 3.1 million: Application deadline 12 March 2019.
The global objective of this call for proposals is to contribute, through supporting civil society organisations, to the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. This call for proposals is aligned with the EU’s priorities as identified in policies and regulations, notably the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2015-2019 and the specific human rights guidelines adopted by the EU. The specific objective of this call for proposals is strengthening civil society’s involvement in the making, implementation and monitoring of human rights policies at local and national levels.

For more information and to apply: Click here 

– Civil Society Facility Turkey– Support to CSO networks and Platforms: total budget of EUR 9.5 million: Application deadline 26 March 2019.
The global objective of this call for proposals is to support existing or new networks and platforms of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in key areas/sectors in Turkey. The specific objectives of this call for proposals are
(1) to strengthen the organisational and institutional capacity of CSOs networks and platforms (internal governance, representativeness, financial sustainability, strategic planning, etc.).
(2) to strengthen CSOs networks and platforms’ ability to outreach and communicate towards their constituency (individual civil society organisations or others CSOs networks), citizens and, if relevant, private sector.
(3) to promote strategic collaboration between CSOs networks and platforms and public authorities at local and/or national levels (monitoring of public action, advocacy, participation in decision-making process, etc.).

For more information and to apply click here